Saturday, October 3, 2009

Today is a good day

i woke up knowing thingz would go much different with the second went good!
they removed 85% of the tumorz!!! and he is resting and recovering.
he has been through soooo much already and today waz just another example of his insane emotional and physical strength....mind over matter!
cant wait to see you :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

the waiting game SUCKZ!!!

oooook, im REALLY not comfortable waiting this long to hear newz on how Sky'z surgery went/is going. i called the hospital and they said he hasnt been released to the recovery room yet which meanz he is still in surgery. im going out of my mind! he went in around 5:30am and it can last anywhere from 5 hourz to upwardz of 20 hourz!!

obviously nobody is online to ask them if they have been given any updatez so it makez it even more nerve wracking waiting at home as opposed to being there in the waiting room....
my tummy hurtz!

im so lost today that ive been up since 3:37am and im only on my 2nd pepsi! yes, completely out of character!!  i feel like im a dog chasing itz own tail.

i prayed with my chanupa this morning instead of going back to sleep...i just couldnt. alright gonna go call again.